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Those on M50, L50, L70 and Capped Fibre 20 will be automatically upgraded to the M100 package.
An additional 50 sites across the city will receive full fibre broadband.
72 homes in Brig o’ Turk are now able to access speeds of up to 50Mbps.
A third of UK households can't get online in every room of the house.
Vodafone will use Openreach's network to provide those in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool with its Gigafast packages.
Residents of Longney and Framilode can now access speeds of up to 1Gbps.
New antenna equipment installed on the St Mary's of Denver's spire offers speeds of up to 30Mbps.
Residents can now enjoy an average broadband speed of 94.7Mbps.
The provider's Gig1 Fibre package boasts an average download speed of 1,104Mbps at peak times.
A recent review highlighted that these customers tend to pay an average of £8 to £9 more for broadband every month.
Coverage was extended out to an additional 400,000 homes between January and April 2019.
The Town Deals initiative aims to stimulate economic growth by improving broadband speeds.
The remote communities of Grimsay and Great Bernera enjoy some of the UK's fastest speeds.
The Ultrafast 1 and Ultrafast 2 packages offer average download speeds of 145Mbps and 285Mbps.
Around 2000 more homes and businesses will be connected up to BT's Openreach network as a result.
Measures include an annual review to asses whether they're still paying for the appropriate package.
Their Fibre First project aims to connect up 4 million premises by March 2021.
The provider will upgrade its network to the DOCSIS 3.1 standard.